Youtubers Life 2 does a bad job of making it clear whether you should be running around like a headless chicken, or just chilling. Youtubers Life 2 is a sprawling mess of elements, and you’ll only begin to make sense of it by blundering about.īut you never quite get the sense that you can blunder about. A series of hashtags tell you what’s in vogue at a specific time, but they’re keywords like #streetgym or #doge that won’t mean anything until you stumble over the damn things. Quests ask you to find characters you’ve never met, or to visit locations you’ve never been to. You’re given clear objectives, but they stop short of being useful.

It’s best to shoo it away and focus on the rest.Īt first, it’s oddly bewildering. We struggle to understand a single word of it, let alone care. Honestly it’s continuous bilge that runs throughout the game, and keeps bubbling up words like ‘metaverse hackers’. There is some story reasoning for why you are here, but it is absolute nonsense. The game kicks off with you choosing your character and then getting shipped off to NewTube City (we’re a little bemused why a YouTube licence has clearly been obtained by U-PLAY, but barely makes it past the title). But it’s the dozens, no, hundreds of other things to do that makes Youtubers Life 2 a completely different prospect from the first. Sure, you are still doing some similar stuff to OMG Edition: collecting ‘reaction cards’ to create quality clips and then jigsawing them together to make Youtube videos. We get the feeling that the first game poured money through U-PLAY Online’s letterbox, as this is quite the glow up, and a large amount of that money can be seen up on the screen.

Youtubers Life 2 is a significantly different game from Youtubers Life – OMG Edition.