Kuva Seer is actually a Bolt Pistol in disguise, a fact probably known by fans of Warhammer 40K. This weapon also does extra damage to hordes by making enemies crash into each other. It comes with a 36% base critical chance so it’s not hard to hit red crits with it.Īkbolto Prime has a 2.8 crit multiplier so go for damage mods and critical chance to get the best from it. This secondary weapon uses critical hits to inflict damage. You can get good Rivens for Lato Vandal since not a lot of people use standard Lato. You can reload it fast so DPS downtime is limited. It has high slash damage and critical chance as well as good base damage. This weapon is a middle ground option for slow-firing, hard-hitting weapons and damage-inflictors. If you can get a Kuva Kraken out of a dead Lich’s hand you are sure to find it impressive. The 2-round burst is now a 3-round burst and the status and critical effects are improved. It can give crazy amounts of damage to bosses and hordes of enemies. This weapon empties the whole magazine in alternate fire. The base Kraken is one of the weaker weapons but the Kuva Kraken has new mechanics and also addresses the slow fire rate, long reload time and pitiful damage the base Kraken has. You can dump a lot of bullets into foe weak points. If you aren’t the best at aiming, don’t worry because this weapon is a good spray-and-pray option. It has high reload speed and Slash damage as well. This weapon has a high enough status to proc Corrosive and Viral and make it even better. That might not sound much but when factoring in the 3x critical damage multiplier and 24% critical chance, it suddenly seems more attractive.Īdd a good critical build to shred pretty much any target. This bullet-hose secondary has a base damage of 20.

If you’re confident in your aim this is a good secondary to choose and you can impart lots of criminal damage using some of the Rivens. The scope offers remarkable long-range precision.

This means you can continue procing this weapon for infinite ammo if your aim is good enough. This one-shot, scoped pistol instantly reloads with a headshot. Let’s take a look at some of the best secondary weapon options in Warframe: 24) Knell Some allow you to add a custom effect like infinite ammo or getting power strength when killing.

Secondaries can have interesting individual mechanics just like primaries can. This means if you mod them right they can be stronger than the primary options. Unique weapons like fully-automatic exploding assault rifles and plasma shotguns are typical in Warframe, although secondary weapons are sometimes forgotten about.Ī lot of secondary weapons come with even stronger mods than their primary versions. Warframe offers a wide range of weapons to pick from and you can pair any of these secondary weapons with the primaries.