Houses for sims 3
Houses for sims 3

make me know everyone: Make the selected Sim know everyone.See also Cyberpunk 2077 receives official mod support Relationship Cheats

houses for sims 3

  • placefriezes : Allows you to place foundations on top of tiled floors.
  • snapobjectstogrid : Toggle snap to grid for placed objects.
  • snapobjectstoangle : Toggle 45 degree angle object snap.
  • disablesnappingtoslotsonalt : Objects will not snap to slots while holding Alt.
  • Fadeobjects : Make objects fade when the camera gets close to them.
  • Constrainfloorelevation : Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures.
  • moveobjects : Unlimited placing/moving objects.
  • buydebug : Allows you to buy anything, even locked objects (must enter testingcheatsenabled true in console first).
  • freerealestate: buy any house you want.
  • familyfunds  : Gives the specified amount of money to the household with the last name used.
  • However, there is a more powerful version that requires you to have used the testingcheatsenabled true command first:
  • kaching or rosebud: Acquire 1,000 Simoleons.
  • The codes below will provide you extra Simoleons and you will find them available in pretty much all Sims games:
  • Shift-click the mailbox: Gives you the option to make friends, force visitors, and more.
  • Shift-click your workplace: Gives you the options to force-trigger events and opportunities.
  • Shift-click a non-household Sim: Add specific Sim to your household/family.
  • Shift-click a Sim: Age transition to grow up your Sim or change other traits.
  • Shift-click anywhere on free ground to teleport to that location.
  • Hold Shift as you click on various items to unveil a list of options. The testingCheatsEnabled true cheat also enables a number of Shift+ Click hacks.
  • The Sims 3 Xbox cheat console activation: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once.
  • The Sims 3 PS3 cheat console activation: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once.
  • The Sims 3 Mac cheat console activation: Hold down Command and Shift, then press C.
  • The Sims 3 PC cheat console activation: Hold down Ctrl and Shift, then press C.
  • Here are the instructions to do it on every device:

    houses for sims 3

    So, to start using cheats, you first need to bring up the cheat console. 10 Traits, moods, and moodlets Sims 3 cheats.2 Premise: Activate Test Cheats for Debugging.

    houses for sims 3 houses for sims 3

    1 How to enable the Sims 3 cheats console.

    Houses for sims 3